Quality is all about planning.

To prepare a total cost budget for a custom log home, we suggest the following guidelines:

  • Prepare your budget. Plan your must-haves and can-do-withouts in the home of your dreams. Understand that there are endless options that will effect the eventual price of your custom log home.

  • With that in mind, we guarantee that we will be competitive against any log home pricing in the industry. Thus, as a business, we have strategically chosen to not comply to the industry standard of giving you one option and one corresponding price. Our goal is to meet with you, understand your needs, and quote you on the best possible price based on your needs.

  • Our pricing is directly related to what our customers want in the log home of their dreams, and we guarantee our price will be the most competitive option possible.


Please complete the form below and we will contact you in a few business days for a free consultation: